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Puppy Training



Puppy Training

puppy training

Puppy training is purely motivational. At this young stage we're encouraging the dog to focus and using luring to teach the dog specific patterns. Teaching the dog to work and problem solve from an early age will pay great dividends later. Early training and consistency leads to greater compliance and a willingness to work that will help you avoid many of the conflicts or obnoxious behaviors that tend to appear as a young dog starts to mature. Work, play and structure are very important in the raising of a puppy, especially the larger more powerful breeds. If you allow your puppy to run around the house unsupervised don't be surprised when he starts chewing shoes, furniture or baseboards. its very normal for an unsupervised puppy to create mischief and chewing is a natural behavior for a puppy. Your job as an owner is to supervise the puppy. Contain him in areas where he can do little damage, redirect chewing behaviors onto his favorite chew toy and take him out for bathroom breaks as often as possible, often before he's even showing signs of needing to go. Patterns and lack of opportunity to make bad choices are what we are looking to establish with a puppy. The more we limit the possibility of mistakes the quicker the puppy will learn.